Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Ice Ice Baby!

One thing that I am missing from the U.S. is ice. They don't have ice makers and I haven't found any ice cube trays. One thing I loved in the states was getting a BIG FAT DIET COKE with lots of ICE! If you've traveled throughout Europe I'm sure you know about the "ice" and "refill" thing. No ice at most of the restaurants and no refills. It always confuses me because they have the soda machines out like you should be able to get a refill. We've found a couple places were it's all you can drink and we definitely load up on the Coke Light. I have found these plastic bags that make little ice cubes (I've enclosed a picture). It's very "different" but it gets the job done. I still don't understand how the water doesn't spill out of the bag. I am missing my beloved Diet Coke, but I'm starting to get used to Coke Light (a little different but it also gets the job done).


Cindi Smith said...

We'll send some ice trays! Love you!

Jenny said...

I hear you on the ice thing. When Dan and I were in Europe we said there was 3 things we missed most. #1-ICE #2- Screens on Windows (during the summer the bugs get pretty bad), and #3- Air conditioning. Hang in there. Snow looks beautiful!

Sara said...

WE DO have ice cube trays!! hehe I have one!!