Sunday, August 17, 2008

Downtown Richmond, VA

Downtown Richmond is absolutely beautiful. Old brick buildings with so much character. We had some Mexican food and then went to Cafe Guttenberg which was a coffee/book house. Richmond is about a 25 minute drive from the campus. I was just glad to get out and about. I am so grateful for the provided cafeteria food but I can only stomach so much. Wish you guys were here, you would have loved Cafe Gutenberg.


Cindi Smith said...

love the photos of you all...keep 'em coming! Yes, the cafe looks wonderful! Wish we were there to experience all this with you, but will leave you in God's hands. Tell Delaney I miss her terribly. Miss you guys, too!

Nancy said...

Good Afternoon Heather!!!
I have been reading your blogs and learned how to subscribe to it!!! SO...I emailed Grandma "How to subscribe" to your's and Jason's blog.
We have been praying for you and all the "Lifestyle" changes. You are in God's hands and He will guide you through.

Rachel was in California August 6-11 for her old roomates wedding. She spent 2 nites at G&Gp's and then to see all her friends at Loma Linda and stayed with them. Then to "The Maxey" side of the family Sunday. She was sorry she didn't get to see Linda,Jerry,Cindi, Jess& Amanda.

Uncle Allen and I want to come in October when you guys get home from Virginia and celebrate Grandma's 85th birthday. I'm going to email L,C &P and see what the plans are. When will you be back in Californa?
We love you and you are in our prayers and thoughts! Love, Nancy Jo

Heather Hekman said...

The pictures are great. Glad you're having such good family bonding.

Kath said...

Great pictures, Heather!

Heather Paul said...

Thanks all for the compliments!!

Sheila P said...

Hey Heath, downtown looks awesome! All you guys look awesome. Thanks for sharing your life there, it helps in the missing you part. The experiences you all are having are incredible. We should all be spending this much time with the lord! You all are in my prayers, give 'laney a hug from Nana. Love you.