Friday, October 10, 2008


Okay, so there are a million things I should be doing right now but for some reason I've found myself blogging. I'm totally in procrastination mode right now. I have so much to do that I keep telling myself I'll do it "later." I thought that we had completed most of our "stuff" before we left but I'm finding there is still so MUCH to do. I have to apply for an international driver's license, VOTE, get out of JURY DUTY, reduce five luggage bins to three and get the banking thing situated. I mean, REALLY, does any of this sound fun?? Uhh...NO.

I've had a blast being at home thus far. We've seen new babies, new hair cuts, visited with friends and spent lots of quality time with family. Lots more still to come. We're taking Delaney to Disneyland on Monday! I think Jason and I have as much fun as Delaney when it comes to Disneyland.

Please pray regarding our visas. We're supposed to leave Oct. 16th but it's not looking that way, we're still waiting on the visas. God's timing is perfect, I'm reminded to entrust all that stuff to Him.

I miss my dear friends from FPO and pray that you are all doing well. We love you guys and can't wait to hear of your adventures.

Until next time....


Erin said...

Thanks for updating! Glad to hear you're loving home. I'm praying for the visas. Have fun at Disneyland, and give Delaney a hug for me.

Love y'all.

Battle Maiden said...

God knows best! Looking forward to your arrival!

Kath said...

Heather, it was great to see you this morning! We will be keeping you guys in prayer as you start the next leg of your journey!